Eva Bitran is a joint JD/PhD candidate in the History Department and at the Law School at Harvard University. She works on the international and transnational history of twentieth-century migration, with a regional focus on North Africa and a thematic focus on issues of changing legal systems, regulation and recourse. Her previous work looked at the Western Sahara conflict and the refugee crisis that followed.
Eva Bitran está cursando un doctorado en historia y derecho en Harvard University. Su investigación tiene como tema central la migración internacional a mediados del siglo veinte en el norte de Africa, y aborda el papel de los cambios legales a nivel internacional en las experiencias y las oportunidades de los migrantes. Su trabajo previo se enfocó en la descolonización del Sahara Occidental, y en la crisis de refugiados que surgió a causa del conflicto.
Email: bitran@fas.harvard.edu
Hannah Callaway
Hannah Callaway is a doctoral candidate in History at Harvard University. She studies eighteenth-century France, with a particular interest in the social origins of political ideas. Her dissertation studies how an evolving understanding of private property influenced the terms of citizenship during the French Revolution, focusing on the seizure of property by the State in Paris during the revolutionary years.
Hannah Callaway est doctorante dans le département d'histoire à Harvard University. Elle s'intéresse aux origines sociales des idées, en particulier dans le contexte de la France au dix-huitième siècle. Sa thèse traite le rôle de l'évolution des idées sur la propriété privé dans le développement du concept de citoyenneté pendant la Révolution Française, prenant pour objet la saisie des biens immobiliers à Paris par l'Etat pendant les années révolutionnaires.
Email: hbcallaw@fas.harvard.edu
Philipp Lehmann is a postdoctoral fellow at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin. He received his PhD in history from Harvard University in 2014. He works on environmental history and the history of energy with a geographic focus on Europe and Africa. His dissertation dealt with theories of climate change in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and their use in economic and political contexts.
Philipp Lehmann arbeitet zur Umwelt- und Energiegeschichte mit einem geographischen Schwerpunkt in Europa und Afrika. Seine Dissertation untersucht Theorien des Klimawandels im späten neunzehnten und frühen zwanzigsten Jahrhundert und deren Instrumentalisierung in ökonomischen und politischen Kontexten.
Email: plehmann@mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de
Shi-Lin Loh
Shi-Lin Loh is a PhD candidate from Singapore in the program on History and East Asian Languages at Harvard University. She studies the history of late nineteenth- and twentieth-century Japan and China with a focus on the social and cultural history of nuclear science and technology. She is also interested in transnational histories of nuclear power.
卢诗霖来自新加坡, 现为哈佛大学历史与东亚研究系博士生。她主要研究十九和二十世纪的中国历史与日本历史,尤其专攻原子科学与技术的文化史以及社会史。她也对国际原子能文化史深感兴趣。
Email: shiloh@fas.harvard.edu
David Roth Singerman is a PhD candidate in History, Anthropology, and Science, Technology, and Society at MIT. He is writing a dissertation on the transformations of the Atlantic sugar economy at the beginning of the 20th century, which brings together his interests in the history of science, economic history, and the history of empire. A second project looks at the modern history of doping in sports, especially bicycle racing.
David Roth Singerman es estudiante doctoral en el departamento de la historia y antropología de ciencia en MIT, donde el tema de sus investigaciones es la industria azucarera del mundo atlántico al principio del siglo XX. Se unen en esta tesis sus intereses por las historias de ciencia, de economía, y de imperialismo. Al mismo tiempo, ha comenzado un proyecto sobre el dopaje deportivo y particularmente el ciclismo profesional.
Email: singsing@mit.edu
Will Smiley is PhD Candidate in Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Cambridge and a JD student at Yale Law School. His PhD thesis argues that in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, the Ottoman and Russian Empires worked out international rules of captivity, drawing on a combination of Islamic, customary, and treaty law. More broadly, Will is interested in the history of international and Islamic law, and the intersection of these themes in the Ottoman and broader Middle Eastern and Eurasian context.
Will Smiley Cambridge Üniversitesi Ortadoğu Çalısmaları Bölümü’nde doktora öğrencisi ve Yale Hukuk Okulu’nda hukuk (JD) öğrencisidir. Will, doktora tezinde 18. yüzyil ile 19. yüzyilin başlarında Osmanlı-Rus İmparatorlukları arasındaki savaş esirleri değişimlerinin, mutat olduğu üzere İslam hukukunun, geleneksel uluslararası hukukun ve aralarındaki anlaşmalarin birleşimine dayandığını savunmaktadır. Bunun yanisira Will, uluslararası hukuk ve İslam hukuk tarihi ile ilgilenmekte, bu konuların Osmanlı İmparatorluğu ve daha geniş anlamda Ortadoğu ve Avrasya’yla işişkisi üzerine calışmaktadır.
Email: william.smiley@yale.edu
Josh is a Ph.D. candidate in the History Department at Harvard University. His dissertation analyzes the consolidation of the ranching and meat-packing industries in the United States. His research interests cover intellectual, legal, environmental, and economic history. He has also worked on the history of the Confederate dollar and counterfeiting.
Email: joshspecht@gmail.com
Melissa Teixeira is a PhD Candidate in History at Princeton University. She studies the history of modern Latin America, with a focus on Brazil. She is interested in the transnational history of economic ideas and policymaking and is currently exploring the circulation of ideas for agrarian reform between Brazil and Southern Europe.
Melissa Teixeira é doutoranda no departamento de história da Universidade de Princeton. Sua área de pesquisa é História da América Latina moderna com foco no Brasil. Interessada particularmente na história transnacional do pensamento econômico e da política econômica, está atualmente pesquisando a circulação de ideais sobre a reforma agrária entre a Europa do Sul e o Brasil.
Email: teixeira@princeton.edu